Thursday, May 15, 2008


For Mother's Day this year I asked for this: But what I actually got was this: (In black, of course.)
I think it was to make up for the year that I got this:

(This is a nice, hot cup of jack squat (just in case you didn't know.)
THANKS baby. You just totally redeemed yourself!


Kristi said...

Seriously, did you get a car? Frickin' sweet if you did! I got shoes and a cupcake carrier. Sorry about Lewis's foot! I would DIE if Andy couldn't help out around the house. He does a lot as well and I'd be so tired without his help. Good luck to ya! Hey, maybe I should have you and your family over for dinner! The kids could play and we could laugh!

Jimi said...

You suck! J/K I am so happy that you got the car you wanted-how is it? Does it rock? Guess what I got this year--yep you're right, a cup of jack squat. I wasn't too surprised that's what I get every year :)

Florrie said...

Kristi, I did seriously get a car. However, we have been looking for a new car for me for awhile and it just so happened that mother's day fell around the time we decided to buy. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. We would LOVE to come to your house for dinner. That would be tons of fun. Just name the date....

Jimi, tell your husband that he needs to get some of those Nuttall genes....I guess they just skipped him. The car is great...I love it. Sorry you got jack squat this year, been there, done that, not fun.

Damon said...

I want to know what you are getting Lewis for Fathers day now...

Florrie said...

Damon, for Father's day this year Lewis is getting his own personal maid, to wait on him hand and foot, with a smile on her face. (Mental note: buy maid costume and remember to paste smile on face.)