Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ms. Grumps

Okay, I know it's a miracle. Two blog posts in one day. To celebrate my triumphant return to the blogging world I have one more quick story for you. This morning this girl:

Who is normally all smiles, woke up in the grumpiest of grumpy moods. There was just no reasoning with her and all my motivational talks about attitude and how it affects the rest of your day just didn't seem to be cutting it. So, I opted for the easy out. I told her this joke, (which normally I don't make it a habit of telling my children jokes centered around potty humor, exception: tigger in the toilet,) but I was desperate. Was I wrong? You be the judge.

Knock-knock. Who's there? Smell mop. Smell mop who? (Get it? If you don't, start at the beginning and read again. Still don't get it? Well, then there's no hope for you at all!)

Guess what I was rewarded with? A hearty giggle and smiles all the way to the bus. I'd say Mission accomplished!

Oh, and as a side note, when I told this joke to Lewis he laughed for about five minutes. What is it about potty humor??!!!


Mike Hurren said...

Hi Florrie!
Nice to hear from you. Your family looks great. I just wanted to let you know I added a link to your blog on the Alumni blog exchange (
As for potty humor, I'm usually the one that tells the bed-time stories to our 2 boys, but the other night I walked in on my wife telling one and she had the boys rolling with laughter just by mentioning underwear and flatulence. It feels a bit cheap, if you ask me, but if it works, why not use it? I've since starting adding a few, judiciously placed bathroom tidbits in my stories and the effects are good. Keep it up.

Damon said...

Hey Florrie (and Lewis too!),

I saw your link when Mike added it to the SHS exchange and I added ya'll to my blog too.

I had to read the joke 3 times before I got it... I always was a slow one.

Here is a link to my blog: damon's blog It's not nearly as good as, say, the SHS newspaper with those outstanding articles but it works.

Say hey to Lewis for me.