The only price, your SANITY!
I think the honeymoon is over. Summer is in full gear and the novelty of it is starting to wear thin. The children are tired, and fighting, and hot, and are eating me out of house and home and I figured it was time to do something about it. On Tuesday I decided to load them up and take them to Chuck-E-Cheese. The only other option was to drop them off at the house that I pass about 5 times a week on my way to know, the house where they have a table in their front yard with a sign that says "Free Stuff." Surely someone might want ONE of these four cute kids. (P.S. Lady, get off your lazy tush and take your "free stuff" to the DI. I am sick of seeing it day in and day out!) Anyway, I know that I am the best mom in the world. I will sacrifice my sanity for a trip to the Ol' cheesers! (Plus, I was able to bamboozle my dear sister-in-law to come with me. She is such a saint.....oh, and maybe just a little bit crazy as well.) And truly, no lie, I don't mind the place so much. (Lewis is pointing and laughing at me as we speak. Or at least this is what I can picture him doing in my mind. You can't blame him.....he thinks Chuck-E-Cheese is pure EVIL.) So, continuing on. I was prepped to go. I had a good attitude, a coupon for 40 free tokens, four delightfully happy children, and reinforcements in the form of my dear, dear Aubree.
We arrived there and had a FANTASTIC time. (Okay, I may be embellishing just a tad....but I wanted everyone to really think I am a great mom. Wow! Not only does she take her kids fun places, but SHE loves it as well.) We had a........time, for lack of a better word. The kids were happy. They breezed through 90+ tokens like it was butta. Zach won the jackpot on one of the games and was ridiculously happy to have won 110 tickets! Braden ran around like a crazy man, wanting to put the money in for the ride, but not actually finish the ride. And before we knew it, the moola was gone. Time to change the tickets in for weak, stupid little prizes that will break in aprox. 1.2 hours. (They have already broken BTW.) Savy, of course, wants only 10 suckers with her portion of the tickets. Zach and Kylie are not quite as easily pleased....go figure. I end up having to BUY them what they want just so we can leave.
And there you have it.....CHUCK-E-CHEESE....where admission to the fun is free. Except for when you have to buy the tokens so they can actually do things instead of standing there with their fingers up their noses.....and when you have to buy them prizes because they don't have enough tickets to actually trade for them and there is no way in "you- know- what "you want to buy more tokens so they can earn the tickets...... and it only costs you about $30 in gas money to get there in the first place......and your slightly less sane than you were before....but other than that.....TOTALLY FREE!
Florrie, I am surprised you were able to get Aubree to go, and she wasn't completely loony when she got back. I told her I would never step foot in CHUCKS HOUSE OF CHEESE, but desperate times call for desperate measures I guess......
MUCH better mom than I am!!
I think you've lost your mind! Ali doesn't even know a place like Chuck-eeeeeee (ode to August) cheeses exists. That's right baby, and she never will!
I'm so glad to see someone else take their children to Chuckee-Cheese! I hear ya, I get pretty desperate to entertain Mr. Boss man. Before I had him I told myself I would NEVER go there and I think we've been there 3 or 4 times now!
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