Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Just to warn not come near the house of Nuttall. We have sick kiddos here and it is not fun. There is some nasty flu bug going around and it is making the rounds through our family and we are praying that it will run it's course before Zach's Baptism. (I'm sure it will, as two kids are already better and it takes about three days to run it's course. ) It's a nasty one, I'm telling you. And, there is absolutely nothing worse than having your children sick. I have reflected long and hard on this and have come to this conclusion: I WANT MY KIDS BETTER. I want them to run and play, to want to eat meals (heck, to even ask for a thousand snacks a day.) I want them to talk, to laugh, to not want to sleep and watch T.V all day. And here's the clincher, I even miss their fighting! My home stays too neat, is too quiet, and feels foreign to me. The other day on a car ride home from Orem all four of them did not make ONE PEEP. This is not my life, so will someone please order up my life for me and give it back. Thanks for listening to my rant. I am sleep deprived, stinky (not showered), un-exercised (is this even a word???), and at my wits end. Oh, well, such is life with children, sicknesses and all.


Dave/Aubree said...

You seriously make me laugh! I am staying away though!

K. Crisler said...

Thank you, Thank you so much for this post I was baby hungry until I read this. Lyman will be thrilled!

Jimi said...

I hope everyone is feeling better. And my kids have yet to come down with any symptoms, so I think we are in the clear. (knock on wood)