I have a little bit of an addiction problem.
There. I said it.
Don't judge me for it.
Some of you may remember the post that I wrote over a year ago to my new love Pine-Sol and how I had just discovered the powers of it to my advantage. I loved how clean it made my house smell......how I could fool just about anyone into thinking that my house was immaculately clean just by having a sink full of this stuff marinating all day long! (That's right people....I said marinating......sitting in my sink all day long.....getting cold until I ran more warm water in it to bring back that smell. I know it's sick. I never said it was normal......But addicts will often do abnormal things....It's true.)
Well......since them the problem has deepened. The addiction has grabbed a hold on me and won't let go. I MUST have that "powerful scent of clean" on a daily basis or I WILL GO CRAZY. I will go into withdrawals, get the shakes, get sick to my stomach and all that jazz. I NEED the pine-sol. Just give me the pine-sol and no one gets hurt. It has gotten out of hand.....
It has become "my crack."
Well......fed up of buying tiny bottle after tiny bottle and constantly running out and having to make emergency runs to my "dealer" (aka Wal-Mart......that crack ho) I stumbled across the Holy Grail of disinfectants........at my new BFF (and new dealer......take that Wal-mart) COSTCO. Because really? Everyone needs a jug of pine-sol that is larger than a small child. Everyone.
So seriously.....don't judge. I know I have a problem. I know that I buy Pine-sol in mass quantities. I know that your average housewife is most likely not stocking up on Pine-Sol at a Warehouse.....but I am not your average housewife, people......I am DESPERATE! And I need my crack.....er.....Pine-Sol. So just give me the Pine-Sol and NO ONE gets hurt.
Does anyone know of a 12-Step program for Pine-Sol addicts?
My husband loves that stuff. He uses it on the cement in our backyard to clean out the dog pee. I know TMI, right...
Flying over from SITS!!!
You are too funny. When I read the post title on my sidebar, I thought is was going to be a post about your children and Halloween candy or something like that! I think you should be the official Pine-Sol spokesperson because I started using it occasionally after your last blog post...probably lots of your readers have! However, institutional sized?...what the crap Flo...you are addicted. But what's wrong with being addicted to clean (or the "idea" of clean)? I need me some costco love!
I bought the commercial size once and didn't like the smell. It wasn't the same as the good old Walmart. Hope yours smells better.
I understand being addicted to it. I bought a steam mop a few months back to mop my floors. Thought it would get my floors cleaner and less Pinsol to buy. Yes, I buy less Pinsol, and my floor is cleaner, but it doesn't smell clean. (Not that my nose is pressed against the floor to tell)
I think that Scentsy needs to come out with a pinsol brick.
Wow, if my counter can be as clean as yours, I'm totally going to buy a gallon too. Wow, talk about clean!
No 12 step program needed....just send your "institution bottle" to me, I'll put it to good use ;)
Haha! Oh my, that is a large bottle of Pine-Sol. For what its worth, though, I love the smell too. If I had enough time I'd clean a LOT more than I do to keep it fresh.
Visiting from SITS. Happy Friday!
I totally spray febreeze right about the time my husband comes home from work. I love that it smelled like I cleaned (if I haven't even thought about cleaning that day).
And I too an a fan of buying in bulk. It's not too dangerous as long as you avoid perishables.
I LOVE the blue Pine-sol! It is my favorite and the smell is so fresh! Do you remember the Pine-sol commercials from when we were kids with the same lady that is still advertising for them?! I think it's time they replace her with a new person- YOU! Maybe then you could get a free life time supply!
Oh, how I have missed reading your blog posts... Welcome back!
I think it would be good therapy for your addiction if you came and gave my house the Lysol once over!
Heaven knows it could use it!
Thanks for visiting my blog!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog. I'm returning the comment love. (You may have to cover your ears) I don't use Pine-sol, but maybe I'll have to remember that trick when I'm in a pinch. Have a good week.
The first step to fixing an addiction is admitting you have a problem, right? Done! Great job!!
You could have many many worse habits than loving Pine-Sol.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love comment love! I have to admit, I've never used Pine-sol. But maybe I should go get some!
There are worse things to be obsessed with, I feel. And hey, it's not like you're making cocktails out of it, right? Wait, right?
Thanks for visiting on my SITS day!
hey i love pine sol as much as you if not more. i find myself letting it marinade in the tub in the sink and in a cup on the floor behind the fridge. i also save every bottle because even a little bit of pine sol residue at the bottom of the bottle smells too good to toss!! (I also noticed you have a scentsy warmer in the back ground of your pic with the pinesol picture) when will scentsy get on board and create a pinesol scent?
go ahead and write me back we could chill girl:) i have four children and they all love the smell too:)
I'm there with ya' sista'! I have been an addict since the 70's...when I was just a mere child.
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