Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Saturday was a SPECIAL day.....

But why? You may find yourself asking. Isn't Saturday merely the day you get ready for Sunday? Oh no, my friends. Saturday is the day I got to babysit my brand new nephew for the very first time. ( I have Nana to thank for this. She is obviously number 1 on the list, but she up and headed off to Spain for two weeks, so I guess that left li'l old me. Well guess what, I'd take Will over Spain any day!) I am pleased to know that I am numero dos on the list. Okay, I actually don't believe that is for certain, but I probably owe Dave and Aubree the most free babysitting. ('Cause I have to catch up for the nine years that they babysat for moi. I have A LOT more free babysitting to do, if you catch my drift. )Plus, not to offend any of Will's other Aunt's who might be reading this post, but I secretly believe I am the favorite aunt. Sorry guys. Will whispered it to me when I was watching him. Too bad.

We were way excited to have him over to our humble abode. All the kids were beyond thrilled to have a baby in the house again.....which, quite frankly, opened up the whole "Mom, why don't you have another baby?" can of worms. I asked Lew if he wanted to adopt a cousin for Will, but he was not too sure about that. I guess we will just have to get our baby fix by watching him whenever we can. The kids gave Will the "grand tour" of the house.....and it was grand. They showed him their bedrooms, Mom and Dad's bedroom, the know, all sorts of things that an 8 week old is interested in seeing. They were jumping around with pure excitement and only jumped on Will a couple of times. (JUST KIDDING Dave and Aubs....I just wanted to make sure that you were paying attention.) He was such a good should be proud of yourselves for training him to be such a good baby. (Gosh, that sounds like I'm talking about a pet or something....but you get my drift.)

We were sad to see him go. He was sad to go. You know how I know this? Because I snapped this picture as his Dad was picking him up to put him in his car seat and take him away from us. Poor Will. Bring him back to us soon.....we miss him already!!

P.S Dave and Aubree....thanks for the AWESOME cupcakes that you brought me from your trip to the Spa......yeah, I totally ate both of regrets. They were amazing! I bet ya'll wish you coulda had one of these babies......PURE HEAVEN. I may go back tomorrow to get two more. Don't judge me.


Kaci said...

Wahoo, first to comment. Always been a secret goal. Now I can scratch #53 off the to do list.

Anyway, I am totally with your kids, I think you should most definitely have another baby. After all, if uncle Barry can do it, anyone can. Come on Lew, be a sport.

Also, so proud to see everybody in their cougar blue! We'd have to not be friends anymore if you were fans of another Utah team. You know, the one that wears red. And the one that...better stop there. This might be a family friendly blog.

And, last but not least. How cute is that dang baby? Lucky you!

Richard & Connie said...

Way to go Flo, Connie is several thousand and I mean thousand miles away and you make her cry. I hope you feel good about yourself. Spain is not better than Will, or any of the other grandchildren. We miss all of them terribly but know we will once again get to hold and love all of them. One thing about it. Nana cried for a second but laughed a lot more about the candy cane jar. Thanks for the pictures.

K. Crisler said...

Any time you need a baby fix you just give me a call... Missy T would love to hang out with you and the kiddos.