Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well I'll be danged.....they cater???'s a secret. Did you know that the very best burger restaurant in Utah Valley has expanded their horizons to include a catering business? I happen to know this because I'm definitely on the up and up with all the latest trends. Oh, and also, my father-in-law happens to be the owner of said restaurant. (But that's a minor detail.)

That being said, here is my shameless plug for the brand new Burgers Supreme Catering. If you own your own company, are the boss of people, work for a company, work for a boss, plan family reunions, attend family reunions, are on the activity committee for your ward (and if you are, I'm sorry), attend activities in your ward, and may have anything to do with the planning of a shindig, big or small, Please......pretty, pretty please.....keep Burgers Supreme in mind for the job. If you have ever partaken of the sheer goodness that is Burgers Supreme, you will know of the quality of their food. (Plus their fry sauce is SO good you might just want to take a bath in it....go on, you can....we won't tell anyone.)

C'mon do it.....just call them.....we all know you want to.


Jenny said...

Do they do cross-country catering...'cause sign me up baby...sign me up. goohooolhhoo (Homer simpson sound) I love Burger Supreme! I have bathed in their fry sauce before (well...maybe just my face). I hope this works out well for them and broadens even more opening a store in Pickerington Ohio. Seriously. We NEED a good burger joint...heck, we need some good mexican and all around Utah county food....sniff sniff.

Shelly said...

Florrie! I'm so glad to read up a bit on your family. I definitely have to stop and grab a burger next time we're in Utah, although I wish I knew when that would be!

Your kids are so incredibly cute, by the way!! I love that last post about your "conversation". So priceless!! And thanks for the advice for D-land. I can't wait!!!

Tara Bennett said...

Ok so I made the mistake of going to the website. And I'll be darned if I'm not absolutely dying for a gyro and onion rings.... and a bath in that fry sauce doesn't sound bad either! Hmmmm I might need to re-think this 'low carb' thing and just run a few extra miles....

Nick and Amera said...

sounds sooo yummy!! Myabe for McCoy's birthday in June, i'll have it catered for all the little kkids and family! We all dig hamburgars and fry sauce!!

Nick and Amera said...

ewww, never! never break up with me or else you'll have to deal with me, my shears and my blow dryer...things could get ugly! When you come to the salon next we gotta get a picture, it will be the cutest picture ever, and then i'm going to blog about it :) when ya comin in next?